Presented at: 2018 CCHA Southwestern Division Conference

Breakout Session 3: Communication Breakdowns--Fact/Fiction/Fake News and the Need for Truth

Session Description

This topic will explore how (or even if) we can sort through the noise of modern discourse and find the pearls that are so necessary for a civil and reasonable society to continue. Participants could discuss the necessity for developing critical thinking and interpretive skills in order to separate good information/ideas from suspect ones. The ways in which information and opinions are disseminated (that is, the language and style of their presentation and the media that present them) could also be investigated as having a powerful influence on our beliefs, values, and behaviors. Finally, one might want to consider how fictional texts can create different kinds of “truth.” Some questions to consider: How can we better prepare our students and ourselves to properly interpret information and determine what is significant, what is spin, and what is false? How can we better resist emotional manipulations, distortions, and/or distractions that lead us away from a more subtle and discriminating evaluation of the events unfolding before us? When does our social compliance become dangerous? How can we communicate clearly, rationally, and accurately so as to change the quality of discourse? Or is it a losing battle? Is it better to create divisions out of belief in our cause(s)? Or is compromise a better option? Do fictional texts (including film, artworks, dance performances) play a role in helping us to discern the truth? Participants would be encouraged to use this session to help them create panels/presentations for the next CCHA conference.

Presented by: 
Sears, Julie
Moore, Marta

Single Session



Breakout 3 Section N