Presented at: 23rd Annual Fall Leadership Conference

Bridging the Gap Between College and the Collegiate High School

CLARA Project

Session Description

Two pioneers of Early College teaching in the North Texas Community College Consortium share first-hand classroom experiences. Discussions will include student readiness through testing, relationship-building with colleagues at the HS, beginning with and maintaining rigorous standards; Documentation; Documentation; working through "opportunities" of many kinds.

Session Goals

The goal of this session is:

  • To help college instructors prepare for and facilitate courses in the Early College environment.
  • To share valuable lessons about communication, documentation, student and institutional preparedness, instructor readiness, the need for a meaningful beginning to the course and maintenance of expectations.

Full Description

To varying degrees, high school students rely on the adults around them. From the enrollment perspective, the best course outcome begins with student eligibility through testing or other evaluations. Whether we are in a rural community or in another setting, open and genuine communication with the high school personnel has no substitute. Consider the benefit to the student as well as the connections you are making in a related area of Education. Lay down early ground rules with the HS principal and staff about who contacts them. FERPA regulations and the documentation for interaction as needed for the counselor or the college instructor must be addressed. Document disciplinary situations so that the high school counselor can follow up. Use the ladder of discipline.

Presented by: 
Proctor, Drew
Landis, Romney

Single Session

2:00 pm - 2:50 pm


Instruction Building