Presented at: 2015 Higher Education Technology Forum

Don’t Put Your Phones Away: Using Cellphones to Engage Students

Session Description

Padlet is a wonderful and engaging tool for the classroom and or meetings. This virtual wall opens the possibilities of ideas by inserting pictures, videos or web links. It has a built in QR and embedded codes for students and staff to interact real time using computers, phones or tablets.

Session Goals

Participants to learn the value of student work and content that increases engagement across disciplines.

Full Description

QR Codes open the learning environment to invite technology with various disciplines to increase students' higher level thinking skills. Faculty and staff will be able to use this simple virtual wall to level feedback and accountability in classrooms and meetings.

Presented by: 
Suber, Shani
Forbess, Ulanda

Single Session

12:40 pm - 1:30 pm


A 206D