Presented at: 11th Annual Outcomes and Assessment Conference

Using VALUE Rubrics to Assess Academic Programs and Core Curriculum

Session Description

Eastfield College is in its 3rd year of implementing a college-wide assessment of Programs (AS, AA) and the Core Curriculum. Student attainment of the State’s six Core Objectives is measured using the VALUE rubrics. The presentation will focus on the assessment plan, as well as discuss successes and challenges.

Session Goals

In this session:

  1. The audience will become familiar with Eastfield Colleges Core Curriculum, AA, and AS assessment model and how it is used to improve students learning while meeting accreditations standards
  2. The audience will learn about strategies to increase faculty participation in assessment process

Full Description

When the new Core Curriculum was approved by the THECB in 2014, a new set of Core Objectives were expected to be assessed. This State mandate required Texas colleges to develop comprehensive assessment plans. Motivated by this mandate, the Eastfield College Assessment Team took the responsibility to develop a plan that would meet Core Curriculum assessment needs together with Program Assessment. The VALUE rubrics are used as the main tool to score students’ assignments. The goal of this plan is to ascertain, document, and improve student acquisition of the Texas Core Objectives, while satisfying the reporting requirements of THECB and SACSCOC (Principles CS, and CS 3.5.1.).

The assessment is a college-wide effort and involves the participation of all full-time and adjunct faculty teaching core courses and program-specific courses. It also involves discipline coordinators, division deans, and the office staff in Institutional Research office, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services and College President.

Our presentation will focus on our College Assessment plan, our challenges and successes.

Presented by: 
Schmitt, Allan
Chandler, Kim
Rodriguez, Ricardo

Single Session

1:00 pm - 1:50 pm


SSTU 2205 Living Room